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His sons used to travel to each other’s houses in turn on a regular schedule and hold festivals, inviting their three sisters to celebrate[a] with them.

When their time of feasting had concluded, Job would rise early in the morning to send for them[b] and consecrate them to God.[c] He would offer a burnt offering for each one,[d] because Job thought, “Perhaps my children sinned by cursing God in their hearts.” Job did this time and again.[e]

Satan’s First Attack on Job

One day, divine beings[f] presented themselves to the Lord, and Satan[g] accompanied them.

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  1. Job 1:4 Lit. to eat and drink
  2. Job 1:5 The Heb. lacks for them
  3. Job 1:5 The Heb. lacks to God
  4. Job 1:5 Lit. offering according to their number
  5. Job 1:5 Lit. all the days
  6. Job 1:6 Lit. day, sons of God
  7. Job 1:6 The Heb. name Satan means The Opponent or The Accuser; and so throughout the book